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Prof. Martine Piccart gives an update on breast cancer research

Press release (05/10/2020)  Breast cancer research is progressing and enabling breast clinics to propose a tailor-made treatment for many cancers Brussels, 5 October 2020 – Professor Martine Piccart, Director of Scientific Research at the Jules Bordet Institute, details the very real progress that is enabling breast clinics to propose an increasingly personalised treatment plan, coupled with a significant de-escalation of treatment…
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2020 Scientific Report - Jules Bordet Institute

Thursday 10/09/2020 Jules Bordet Institute – 2020 Scientific Report Leading-edge research and ambitious projects in the service of the fight against cancer  Translational research and clinical research are part of the Jules Bordet Institute's ADN as it seeks to rapidly bring research discoveries to the patient's bedside. This 2016-2019 scientific report reflects the spirit of commitment and collaboration of the Institute's health…
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Manneken-Pis pays tribute to hospitals staff

Monday 7/09/2020 Manneken-Pis pays tribute to hospitals staff The City of Brussels, in collaboration with "Les Héros d'Iris", offered a new costume to Manneken-Pis on Saturday 5 September. The famous ketje donned a costume representing the various hospital professions: nurses, cleaners, nursing assistants, doctors, administrative staff, technicians and all the people who support the activities of a hospital. With this gesture, the City intends…
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National health plan for cancer patients!

Press release (10/04/2020) A national health plan for cancer patients to avoid a wave of collateral victims! Brussels, 10 April 2020 – The crisis linked to the Covid-19 virus is currently responsible for a slowdown across the range of care needed in the treatment of cancer. As cancer is a major cause of mortality in Belgium the consequences of this must not be under-estimated. The Jules Bordet Institute, the Belgian reference centre for…
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Coronavirus COVID-19 – Appeal for donations

27/03/2020  Coronavirus COVID-19 – Appeal for donations For several weeks now our teams have been working non-stop to prepare optimal care for our patients in the context of the coronavirus epidemic. The care staff are training and the care units are equipped themselves and reorganising.    Would you like to support the Jules Bordet Institute during this pandemic?   “The Friends of the Bordet Institute”, the Institute’s…
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Merci !!!

Communiqué de presse des hôpitaux du réseau iris (26/03/2020) Nos travailleurs vous remercient à leur tour ! Au terme d’une première semaine d’instauration du confinement généralisé, nous tenons à remercier tous nos concitoyens pour la sympathie dont ils font preuve à l’égard des équipes de soins et de toutes les personnes dont les services sont, chaque jour, indispensables. Tous les soirs à 20h, le cœur de nombre d’entre nous est…
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Coronavirus Patient Information Number - 02 / 541.39.80

Coronavirus Patient Information Number - 02 / 541.39.80 Please call only if it concerns: an appointment for a consultation or a medico-technical act an admission or a surgery if you are a general practitioner and have a question about a patient
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Appeal for blood donors

 13/03/2020 The Red Cross launches an appeal for blood donors  The coronavirus is also affecting blood donations.  Stocks are at a critical level! The Red Cross is appealing to the generosity of all persons aged 18 and over weighing at least 50 kg and in good health to act as quickly as possible and to give some blood.  Giving blood is not an act that involves risk, not even in the present context dominated by COVID-19…
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iris hospital network press release (11/03/2020) Coronavirus:
IRIS, the network of public hospitals in Brussels, announces a limit on visits. In the interests of patients and staff, the public hospitals in Brussels have decided to impose a strict limit on visitors to hospital services, effective from this Wednesday 11 March. The hospitals concerned are therefore the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital, the Saint-Pierre…
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