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Peak of heat! Remember to protect yourself!

Press release (20/06/2019)  Peak of heat! Remember to protect yourself!
Here are a few tips to avoid melanoma now that spring has sprung. Brussels, 20th June 2019 – The first rays of sunshine have already made their appearance in Belgium these past weeks. It's perfect weather for showing off one's legs and shoulders, but in moderation, and above all with protection! It's also the opportunity for Institut Jules Bordet, a centre…
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31/05/2019 - 04/06/2019 ASCO 2019 Once again this year, doctors specialising in the fight against cancer will be gathering in Chicago for the annual congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) to discuss  progress in cancerology and new treatment discoveries. This 2019 congress will take place from 31 May to June 4. The Jules Bordet Institute will of course be represented through numerous doctors and researchers…
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World no tobacco day

Press release (28/05/2019)  Stop smoking is possible!
On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day the Jules Bordet Institute separates the myths from the facts Brussels, 28 May 2019 – Stopping smoking. A lot of smokers speak about it but how many of them really take up this important personal challenge? With World No Tobacco Day on 31 May, the Jules Bordet Institute wants to shed light on preconceived ideas that tend to discourage…
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A new state-of-the-art tissue imaging system

21/05/2019 A first in Belgium: The Jules Bordet Institute acquires a new state-of-the-art tissue imaging system.  The Jules Bordet Institute has acquired, thanks to the financial support of the "Friends of the Bordet Institute", an innovative tissue imaging system. An acquisition that is a first for Belgium, establishing the Institute as the reference centre for this technology. The system will permit an improved understanding of the…
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101 Tables pour la vie

04/06/2019 101 Tables pour la Vie Soirée gastronomique d’exception pour un double anniversaire A l’occasion des 50 ans des « Amis de l’Institut Bordet » et de la 15ème édition des « 101 Tables pour la Vie », une soirée gastronomique d’exception aura lieu le 4 juin prochain à The Event Lounge. Cinq chefs étoilés -Ghislaine Arabian, Giovanni Bruno, Pascal De Valkeneer, Yves Mattagne et Pierre Résimont- cuisineront, devant…
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Brand new uniforms for our nurses! 

Brand new uniforms for our nurses!  The Spring is bringing a new look to our nursing department! Little by little, our male and female nurses are replacing their former uniforms with new, more modern uniforms… in the colours of our Institute!   
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Leading-edge equipment in precision laparoscopic surgery

Marsh 2019 The Jules Bordet Institute acquires leading-edge equipment in precision laparoscopic surgery. The Jules Bordet department of surgery has acquired new laparoscopic equipment that includes the very latest system for visualising tissue by means of fluorescence imaging. This new system permits the detection of cancers such as hepatocarcinoma (liver cancer) and hepatic metastases as well as fluorescence-guided precision surgery.  A…
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Choosing to participate in a clinical trial

Press release (21/02/2019)  Choosing to participate in a clinical trial
The Jules Bordet Institute launches an interactive tool to support cancer patients in making their choices Thursday 21/02/2019 – Should I participate in this clinical trial? That is the question many patients have to ask themselves during their cancer treatment. With several hundred clinical trials launched every year, cancer patients have…
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Exclusive images of the new Jules Bordet Institute!

Watch the video and discover the major project for the new Jules Bordet Institute, a European reference centre in the fight against cancer. Magnificent images of the construction work on the   80,000 m² dedicated exclusively to cancer are accompanied by explanations on how the project was conceived to combine excellence of patient care with optimal well-being for patients and care staff.
.... In short version! 
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20ème Journée Annuelle d'Oncologie Thoracique

Samedi 30 mars 2019 20ème Journée Annuelle d'Oncologie Thoracique Le traitement du cancer bronchique : quels progrès en pratique en 20 ans? En une vingtaine d’année, l’abord thérapeutique du cancer bronchique a bénéficié de nombreux progrès, avec une accélération toute récente avec l’introduction des nouvelles immunothérapies. Il nous a dès lors semblé approprié de prendre pour thème de cette 20ème édition de la Journée Annuelle d’…
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