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Intraoperative electron radiotherapy in early invasive ductal breast cancer: 6-year median follow-up results of a prospective monocentric registry.

Auteurs : Philippson C, Larsen S, Simon S, Vandekerkhove C, De Caluwe A, Van Gestel D, Chintinne M, Veys I, De Neubourg F, Noterman D, Roman M, Nogaret JM, Desmet A
Année : 2022
Journal : Breast Cancer Res
Volume : 24
Pages : 83

Absence of residual fluorescence in the surgical bed at near-infrared fluorescence imaging predicts negative margins at final pathology in patients treated with breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer.

Auteurs : Pop FC, Veys I, Vankerckhove S, Barbieux R, Chintinne M, Moreau M, Donckier V, Larsimont D, Bourgeois P, Liberale G
Année : 2021
Journal : Eur J Surg Oncol
Volume : 47
Pages : 269-275

Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging of Breast Cancer and Axillary Lymph Nodes After Intravenous Injection of Free Indocyanine Green.

Auteurs : Bourgeois P, Veys I, Noterman D, De Neubourg F, Chintinne M, Vankerckhove S, Nogaret JM
Année : 2021
Journal : Front Oncol
Volume : 11
Pages : 602906

A radical approach to achieve complete cytoreductive surgery improve survival of patients with advanced ovarian cancer.

Auteurs : Liberale G, Pop FC, Polastro L, Kerger J, Moreau M, Chintinne M, Larsimont D, Nogaret JM, Veys I
Année : 2020
Journal : J Visc Surg
Volume : 157
Pages : 79-86

Conservative surgical treatment of a borderline ovarian Brenner tumour in a pre-menopausal woman with subsequent pregnancy: case report of a rare entity.

Auteurs : Garofalo G, Chintinne M, Thomas D, Bucella D, Buxant F
Année : 2020
Journal : J Obstet Gynaecol
Volume : 40
Pages : 578-579

Tumor Banks: A Quality Control Scheme Proposal.

Auteurs : Craciun L, Spinette SA, Rassy M, Salgado R, de Wind A, Demetter P, Verset L, Gomez Galdon M, Chintinne M, Sirtaine N, de St Aubain N, Laios I, Roy F, Larsimont D
Année : 2019
Journal : Front Med (Lausanne)
Volume : 6
Pages : 225

Total choline quantification measured by 1H MR spectroscopy as early predictor of response after neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced breast cancer: The impact of immunohistochemical status.

Auteurs : Drisis S, Flamen P, Ignatiadis M, Metens T, Chao SL, Chintinne M, Lemort M
Année : 2018
Journal : J Magn Reson Imaging
Volume : 48(4)
Pages : 982-993

ICG-fluorescence imaging for detection of peritoneal metastases and residual tumoral scars in locally advanced ovarian cancer: A pilot study.

Auteurs : Veys I, Pop FC, Vankerckhove S, Barbieux R, Chintinne M, Moreau M, Nogaret JM, Larsimont D, Donckier V, Bourgeois P, Liberale G
Année : 2018
Journal : J Surg Oncol
Volume : 117(2)
Pages : 228-235