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Assessment of the management of carcinomatous meningitis from breast cancer globally: a study by the Breast International Group Brain Metastasis Task Force.

Auteurs : Razis E, Escudero MJ, Palmieri C, Mueller V, Bartsch R, Rossi G, Gampenrieder SP, Kolberg HC, Zdenkowski N, Pavic M, Connolly RM, Rosset L, Arcuri J, Tesch H, Vallejos C, Retamales J, Musolino A, Del Mastro L, Christodoulou C, Aebi S, Paluch-Shimon S, Gupta S, Ohno S, Macpherson I, Ekholm M, Zaman K, Vidal M, Chakiba C, Fumagalli D, Thulin A, Witzel I, Kotecki N, Gil-Gil M, Linderholm B
Année : 2022
Journal : ESMO Open
Volume : 7
Pages : 100483

First-In-Human Effects of PPT1 Inhibition Using the Oral Treatment with GNS561/Ezurpimtrostat in Patients with Primary and Secondary Liver Cancers.

Auteurs : Harding JJ, Awada A, Roth G, Decaens T, Merle P, Kotecki N, Dreyer C, Ansaldi C, Rachid M, Mezouar S, Menut A, Bestion EN, Paradis V, Halfon P, Abou-Alfa GK, Raymond E
Année : 2022
Journal : Liver Cancer
Volume : 11
Pages : 268-277

Efficacy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the treatment of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer with brain metastases: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Auteurs : Nader-Marta G, Martins-Branco D, Agostinetto E, Bruzzone M, Ceppi M, Danielli L, Lambertini M, Kotecki N, Awada A, de Azambuja E
Année : 2022
Journal : ESMO Open
Volume : 7
Pages : 100501

Molecular oncology: what is needed to speed access to innovative therapies in clinical research?

Auteurs : Gourari K, Awada A, Kotecki N
Année : 2022
Journal : Curr Opin Oncol
Volume : 34
Pages : 575-578

Clinical Implications of Body Mass Index in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Abemaciclib and Endocrine Therapy.

Auteurs : Franzoi MA, Eiger D, Ameye L, Ponde N, Caparica R, de Angelis C, Brandão M, Desmedt C, Di Cosimo S, Kotecki N, Lambertini M, Awada A, Piccart-Gebhart M, Azambuja E
Année : 2021
Journal : J Natl Cancer Inst
Volume : 113
Pages : 462-470

High Prevalence of 5T4/Trophoblast Glycoprotein in Soft Tissue Sarcomas.

Auteurs : Groothuis P, Penel N, Italiano A, Kotecki N, Dijcks F, Dokter W
Année : 2021
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 13

Analyses of the Rationale and Implementation of Research Biopsies in Oncology Clinical Trials at a Tertiary Cancer Center.

Auteurs : Olympios N, Collet L, Paesmans M, Jungels C, Kotecki N, Awada A, Aftimos P
Année : 2021
Journal : Oncologist
Volume : 26
Pages : 1062-1070

New horizons in early drugs development in solid cancers.

Auteurs : Kotecki N, Kindt N, Krayem M, Awada A
Année : 2021
Journal : Curr Opin Oncol
Volume : 33
Pages : 513-519

A Phase I Study of an IDO-1 Inhibitor (LY3381916) as Monotherapy and in Combination With an Anti-PD-L1 Antibody (LY3300054) in Patients With Advanced Cancer.

Auteurs : Kotecki N, Vuagnat P, ONeil BH, Jalal S, Rottey S, Prenen H, Benhadji KA, Xia M, Szpurka AM, Saha A, Wallin J, Suriyapperuma S, Galvao VR, Geeganage S, Doman TN, Gandhi L, Xu X, Bendell J
Année : 2021
Journal : J Immunother
Volume : 44
Pages : 264-275

Targeting molecular subtypes in solid cancers: successes and failures.

Auteurs : Assi R, Kotecki N, Awada A
Année : 2020
Journal : Curr Opin Oncol
Volume : 32
Pages : 488-493

A Phase 1 dose-escalation study to evaluate safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of AsiDNA, a first-in-class DNA repair inhibitor, administered intravenously in patients with advanced solid tumours.

Auteurs : Le Tourneau C, Delord JP, Kotecki N, Borcoman E, Gomez-Roca C, Hescot S, Jungels C, Vincent-Salomon A, Cockenpot V, Eberst L, Molé A, Jdey W, Bono F, Trochon-Joseph V, Toussaint H, Zandanel C, Adamiec O, de Beaumont O, Cassier PA
Année : 2020
Journal : Br J Cancer
Volume : 123
Pages : 1481-1489

159P The clinical landscape of central nervous system (CNS) involvement in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients (pts)

Auteurs : Eiger D, de Azambuja E, Moreau M, Bondele J, Sotiriou C, Franzoi MA, Brandão M, Rediti M, Wang X, Awada A, Kotecki N
Année : 2020
Journal : Ann Oncol
Volume : 31(2)
Pages : S73-S74

Predictive factors for cancer-associated thrombosis in a large retrospective single-center study.

Auteurs : Haltout J, Awada A, Paesmans M, Moreau M, Klastersky J, Machiels G, Ignatiadis M, Kotecki N
Année : 2019
Journal : Support Care Cancer
Volume : 27
Pages : 1163-1170

How to assimilate the tsunami of immune checkpoints inhibitors data into clinical practice?

Auteurs : Castelo-Branco L, Aspeslagh S, Kotecki N, Awada A
Année : 2019
Journal : Curr Opin Oncol
Volume : 31
Pages : 420-423

Checkpoints inhibitors in the (neo)adjuvant setting of solid tumors: lessons learnt and perspectives.

Auteurs : Kotecki N, Awada A
Année : 2019
Journal : Curr Opin Oncol
Volume : 31
Pages : 439-444

Brain Metastasis and Renal Cell Carcinoma: Prognostic Scores Assessment in the Era of Targeted Therapies.

Auteurs : El Ali Z, Rottey S, Barthelemy P, Kotecki N, VAN Paemel R, Devrient D, Awada A, Gil T, Pannier D, Ryckewaert T, Waisse W, Clavier JB, Penel N, Vermassen T
Année : 2019
Journal : Anticancer Res
Volume : 39
Pages : 2993-3002

Adjuvant therapeutic approaches of HER2-positive breast cancer with a focus on neratinib maleate.

Auteurs : Kotecki N, Gombos A, Awada A
Année : 2019
Journal : Expert Rev Anticancer Ther
Volume : 19
Pages : 447-454

Tackling the challenges of brain metastases in solid tumors.

Auteurs : Kotecki N, Awada A
Année : 2018
Journal : Curr Opin Oncol
Volume : 30
Pages : 330-331

Therapy of breast cancer brain metastases: challenges, emerging treatments and perspectives.(article)

Auteurs : Kotecki N, Lefranc F, Devriendt D, Awada A
Année : 2018
Journal : Ther Adv Med Oncol
Volume : 10
Pages : 1758835918780312

Combination therapies for the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer: current and future prospects.

Auteurs : Brandão M, Pondé NF, Poggio F, Kotecki N, Salis M, Lambertini M, de Azambuja E
Année : 2018
Journal : Expert Rev Anticancer Ther
Volume : 18
Pages : 629-649