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Meet the Oncology Expert

Friday September 16, 2022  (from 8.00AM to 9.00AM)

The Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels, is hosting a series of “Prestige Seminars” in Oncology entitled : “Meet the Oncology Expert”.
The purpose of these seminars is to provide a review of the “State-of-the-Art” and ongoing research in a wide range of cancers diseases to an audience of junior and senior oncologists. 

Sensitivity vs Resistance to Cancer Immunotherapies: Improve disease monitoring for better drug development in Immuno-Oncology.
Immuno-Oncologist, Gustave Roussy Cancer Center Villejuif, France

Prof. Aurélien Marabelle is a medical oncologist with expertise in early phase clinical trials in Cancer Immunotherapies within the Drug Development Department of Gustave Roussy Cancer Center, Villejuif, France. He also leads the Laboratory for Translational Research in Immunotherapy within the INSERM Unit 1015 and is the Director of the INSERM Clinical Investigation Center BIOTHERIS dedicated to intratumoral immunotherapies. Last year, Prof
Marabelle was an invited professor at Stanford University, CA, USA.

Chair : Dr Martine Piccart-Gebhart