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18th edition of the Belgian Symposium on the Integration of Molecular Biology

Friday 29/11 and Saturday 30/11/2024 
at the THON Hotel Bristol Stéphanie in 1050 Brussels (91-93 Avenue Louise)


Dear All,

This year marks the 18th edition of the Belgian Symposium on the Integration of Molecular Biology Advances into Oncology Clinical Practice and the 10th edition of the Post-MASCC.

On behalf of the Belgium Society of Medical Oncology (BSMO), the OncoDistinct network and the Institut Jules Bordet, we are pleased to announce that this edition of the symposium will be held in person and will take place from 29 to 30th November 2024 at the Thon Hotel Bristol Stéphanie in 1050 Brussels (91-93 Avenue Louise).

 As every year, the symposium will be preceded by the Post-MASCC Seminar, orchestrated by Professor Klastersky.

In addition, this year's program will include a special session young medical oncologists. 

We are convinced that this symposium is of value to oncologists in training, and we do hope that they will be able to attend. 

Our aim is to bring together various oncology experts from Belgium and different European countries to summarize the latest research results, to give high quality educational lectures and to offer the Belgian healthcare professionals a high quality meeting.

The scientific programme will integrate the latest advances in oncology and their impact on clinical practice, mainly at the therapeutic level. We would like to thank all the speakers who have accepted our invitation. 

Please find enclosed the PROGRAMME : click here
  and for the registration information, you can make it with the link :

Accreditation has been applied for.

All future communications concerning this event should be sent to the following address:

We look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Laurence Buisseret  (Institut Jules Bordet – H.U.B),
Prof. Evandro de Azambuja (BSMO),
Prof. Jean Klastersky (MASCC),
Prof Ahmad Awada (OncoDistinct),
Prof. Michail Ignatiadis (Institut Jules Bordet – H.U.B)