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 Scientific publications

Corrigendum to 'p53 Reactivation by PRIMA-1Met (APR-246) sensitises V600E/KBRAF melanoma to vemurafenib'[Eur J of Cancer 55 (2016) 98-110].

Authors : Krayem M, Journe F, Wiedig M, Morandini R, Najem A, Salès F, Van Kempen LC, Sibille C, Awada A, Marine JC, Ghanem G
Year : 2022
Journal : Eur J Cancer
Volume : 175
Pages : 336-338

Restoring p53 Function in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma to Improve Treatments.

Authors : de Bakker T, Journe F, Descamps G, Saussez S, Dragan T, Ghanem G, Krayem M, Van Gestel D
Year : 2021
Journal : Front Oncol
Volume : 11
Pages : 799993

Downregulation of the FTO m<sup>6</sup>A RNA demethylase promotes EMT-mediated progression of epithelial tumors and sensitivity to Wnt inhibitors.

Authors : Jeschke J, Collignon E, Al Wardi C, Krayem M, Bizet M, Jia Y, Garaud S, Wimana Z, Calonne E, Hassabi B, Morandini R, Deplus R, Putmans P, Dube G, Singh NK, Koch A, Shostak K, Rizzotto L, Ross RL, Desmedt C, Bareche Y, Rothé F, Lehmann-Che J, Duterque-Coquillaud M, Leroy X, Menschaert G, Teixeira L, Guo M, Limbach PA, Close P, Chariot A, Leucci E, Ghanem G, Yuan BF, Willard-Gallo K, Sotiriou C, Marine JC, Fuks F
Year : 2021
Journal : Nat Cancer
Volume : 2
Pages : 611-628

Apoptotic and Non-Apoptotic Modalities of Thymoquinone-Induced Lymphoma Cell Death: Highlight of the Role of Cytosolic Calcium and Necroptosis.

Authors : Berehab M, Rouas R, Akl H, Duvillier H, Journe F, Fayyad-Kazan H, Ghanem G, Bron D, Lewalle P, Merimi M
Year : 2021
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 13

Inhibiting the MNK1/2-eIF4E axis impairs melanoma phenotype switching and potentiates anti-tumor immune responses.

Authors : Huang F, Goncalves C, Bartish M, Rémy-Sarrazin J, Issa ME, Cordeiro B, Guo Q, Emond A, Attias M, Yang W, Plourde D, Su J, Gimeno MG, Zhan Y, Galán A, Rzymski T, Mazan M, Masiejczyk M, Faber J, Khoury E, Benoit A, Gagnon N, Dankort D, Journe F, Ghanem G, Krawczyk CM, Saragovi HU, Piccirillo CA, Sonenberg N, Topisirovic I, Rudd CE, Miller WH Jr, Del Rincón SV
Year : 2021
Journal : J Clin Invest

RTK Inhibitors in Melanoma: From Bench to Bedside.

Authors : Sabbah M, Najem A, Krayem M, Awada A, Journe F, Ghanem G
Year : 2021
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 13

Investigating intrinsic radiosensitivity biomarkers to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy with [<sup>177</sup>Lu]Lu-DOTATATE in a panel of cancer cell lines.

Authors : Delbart W, Ghanem G, Karfis I, Flamen P, Wimana Z
Year : 2021
Journal : Nucl Med Biol
Volume : 96-97
Pages : 68-79

Metabolic Reprogramming in Metastatic Melanoma with Acquired Resistance to Targeted Therapies: Integrative Metabolomic and Proteomic Analysis.

Authors : Soumoy L, Schepkens C, Krayem M, Najem A, Tagliatti V, Ghanem G, Saussez S, Colet JM, Journe F
Year : 2020
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 12

FGF2 Induces Resistance to Nilotinib through MAPK Pathway Activation in KIT Mutated Melanoma.

Authors : Tétu P, Delyon J, André J, Reger de Moura C, Sabbah M, Ghanem G, Battistella M, Mourah S, Lebbé C, Dumaz N
Year : 2020
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 12

Robust gene expression programs underlie recurrent cell states and phenotype switching in melanoma.

Authors : Wouters J, Kalender-Atak Z, Minnoye L, Spanier KI, De Waegeneer M, Bravo González-Blas C, Mauduit D, Davie K, Hulselmans G, Najem A, Dewaele M, Pedri D, Rambow F, Makhzami S, Christiaens V, Ceyssens F, Ghanem G, Marine JC, Poovathingal S, Aerts S
Year : 2020
Journal : Nat Cell Biol
Volume : 22
Pages : 986-998

Toad Venom Antiproliferative Activities on Metastatic Melanoma: Bio-Guided Fractionation and Screening of the Compounds of Two Different Venoms.

Authors : Soumoy L, Wells M, Najem A, Krayem M, Ghanem G, Hambye S, Saussez S, Blankert B, Journe F
Year : 2020
Journal : Biology (Basel)
Volume : 9

Kinome Profiling to Predict Sensitivity to MAPK Inhibition in Melanoma and to Provide New Insights into Intrinsic and Acquired Mechanism of Resistance.

Authors : Krayem M, Aftimos P, Najem A, van den Hooven T, van den Berg A, Hovestad-Bijl L, de Wijn R, Hilhorst R, Ruijtenbeek R, Sabbah M, Kerger J, Awada A, Journe F, Ghanem G
Year : 2020
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 12

Cross-species analysis of enhancer logic using deep learning.

Authors : Minnoye L, Taskiran II, Mauduit D, Fazio M, Van Aerschot L, Hulselmans G, Christiaens V, Makhzami S, Seltenhammer M, Karras P, Primot A, Cadieu E, van Rooijen E, Marine JC, Egidy G, Ghanem G, Zon L, Wouters J, Aerts S
Year : 2020
Journal : Genome Res
Volume : 30
Pages : 1815-1834

Erratum: Krayem, M., et al. Kinome Profiling to Predict Sensitivity to MAPK Inhibition in Melanoma and to Provide New Insights into Intrinsic and Acquired Mechanism of Resistance Short Title: Sensitivity Prediction to MAPK Inhibitors in Melanoma. <i>

Authors : Krayem M, Aftimos P, Najem A, Hooven TVD, Berg AVD, Hovestad-Bijl L, Wijn R, Hilhorst R, Ruijtenbeek R, Sabbah M, Kerger J, Awada A, Journe F, Ghanem G
Year : 2020
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 12

The Benefit of Reactivating p53 under MAPK Inhibition on the Efficacy of Radiotherapy in Melanoma.

Authors : Krayem M, Sabbah M, Najem A, Wouters A, Lardon F, Simon S, Sales F, Journe F, Awada A, Ghanem G, Van Gestel D
Year : 2019
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 11

Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) in Melanoma.

Authors : Soumoy L, Kindt N, Ghanem G, Saussez S, Journe F
Year : 2019
Journal : Cancers (Basel)
Volume : 11

Acquired resistance to BRAFi reverses senescence-like phenotype in mutant BRAF melanoma.

Authors : Krayem M, Najem A, Journe F, Morandini R, Sales F, Awada A, Ghanem G
Year : 2018
Journal : Oncotarget
Volume : 9
Pages : 31888-31903

Targeting prohibitin with small molecules to promote melanogenesis and apoptosis in melanoma cells.

Authors : Djehal A, Krayem M, Najem A, Hammoud H, Cresteil T, Nebigil CG, Wang D, Yu P, Bentouhami E, Ghanem G, Désaubry L
Year : 2018
Journal : Eur J Med Chem
Volume : 155
Pages : 880-888

New Drug Combination Strategies in Melanoma: Current Status and Future Directions.

Authors : Najem A, Krayem M, Perdrix A, Kerger J, Awada A, Journe F, Ghanem G
Year : 2017
Journal : Anticancer Res
Volume : 37
Pages : 5941-5953

MNK1/2 inhibition limits oncogenicity and metastasis of KIT-mutant melanoma.

Authors : Zhan Y, Guo J, Yang W, Goncalves C, Rzymski T, Dreas A, Mikulski M, Brzózka K, Golas A, Kong Y, Ma M, Huang F, Huor B, Guo Q, da Silva SD, Torres J, Cai Y, Topisirovic I, Su J, Bijian K, Alaoui-Jamali MA, Huang S, Journe F, Ghanem G, Miller WH Jr, Del Rincón SV
Year : 2017
Journal : J Clin Invest
Volume : 127
Pages : 4179-4192