Agenda, News, Publications.
Le soin spirituel : plus-value d’une approche interdisciplinaire (G. (read more)
Attention changement de date : rencontre entre patients et experts - (read more)
A scientific day in the presence of experts is being organised. (read more)
Symposium de l'équipe multidisciplinaire des tumeurs hépato-biliaires de (read more)
Cultures and Values Shaping End of Life Care in Africa - The concept of (read more)
Presentations on the latest advances in theranostics and discussions on future collaborations
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See our page of events organized during the month of Pink October!
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Chaque année, le Palais royal met à l’honneur des "héros du quotidien"
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This consultation provides personalised follow up for all patients seeking the support of professionals following their illness.
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We put the spotlight on these diseases to promote increased understanding and support for persons affected
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