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Our activities cover screening, diagnosis, assessment, treatment and follow up in regard to these tumours. Our speciality is the intersection of gastroenterology, medical oncology (treatment of cancers by systemic route and drug administration) and digestive surgery, departments with which we cooperate closely. 


Prof. Jean-Luc Van Laethem,
Digestive Oncology, Head Clinic

How we treat cancers of the colon or rectum

Colorectal cancers are among the most common forms of cancer. Significant advances have been made in improving the way they are treated. Treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach.

To confirm and refine diagnosis, the patient undergoes various examinations:

  • a colonoscopy during which one or more samples (biopsies) of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract are taken. The tissue “sample” is then sent to the laboratory for analysis;
  • medical imaging examinations (radiography, CT scan or MRI) are carried out to discover the extent of the tumour and identify any possible metastases;
  • for rectal cancers, an endoscopy and an MRI of the pelvis are also carried out to establish if the neighbouring organs (bladder, ovaries, prostate, etc) have been affected by cancer.