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World Cancer Day - 2025

News (04/02/2025)On the occasion of World Cancer Day we spoke with Dr Chloé Spilleboudt, head doctor at the Jules Bordet Institute, the integrated cancer centre in Brussels. We discussed the current cancer situation in Belgium, the major challenges in treating the disease and the treatment innovations proposed by the Institute.  Q : Dr Spillebout, can you tell us about the present situation? Research is progressing, screening is more…
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Progress in leukaemia research

News (27/01/2025)Progress in leukaemia research: when the leukaemia cells reprogramme normal cells remotely...The Clinical Cell Therapy Laboratory at the Jules Bordet Institute –H.U.B,  headed by Professor Laurence Lagneaux, has just taken a major step forward in our understanding of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, the most common form of the disease in Western countries.  Dr Nathan Dubois and Professor Basile Stamatopoulos have…
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Une avancée majeure en biologie combine ADN et ARN et pourrait révolutionner les traitements anticancéreux

Communiqué de presse (17/01/2025) Une avancée majeure en biologie combine ADN et ARN et pourrait révolutionner les traitements anticancéreux
Recherche Emmenés par François Fuks - Laboratoire d’Epigénétique du Cancer, Faculté de Médecine ULB, ULB-Cancer Research Center et Institut Jules Bordet, H.U.B. - , des chercheurs découvrent un nouveau mécanisme qui, en combinant l’épigénétique de l’ADN et de l’ARN, permet une régulation…
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A revolutionary radiotherapy technology: ​ Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM)

Press release (17/12/2024) The Jules Bordet Institute deploys a revolutionary radiotherapy technology: ​ Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM)Brussels, 12/17/2024 – The Jules Bordet Institute is taking a major step forward in becoming one of just 12 centres worldwide to incorporate ​ Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM) in its MR-Linac, a technology at the forefront of radiotherapy.Unequalled precision in the service of patients
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Best wishes 2025 !

Best wishes !We wish you a very happy festive season!Click on the picture to start the video
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Le programme RESTART accessible aux patients atteints d'un cancer gynécologique

Actualité publiée ce 11/12/2024Le programme RESTART évolue et est désormais accessible pour les patients atteints d'un cancer gynécologique. Depuis deux ans, le programme RESTART s’adresse aux patientes en rémission d’un cancer du sein et ayant terminé les traitements de chimiothérapie, chirurgie et radiothérapie depuis moins de 3 mois et propose un suivi multidisciplinaire et personnalisé intégrant consultation, activités physiques,…
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The Christmas Market 2024 in the Jules Bordet Institute!

News (09/12/2024)The Christmas Market is coming to the Jules Bordet Institute!From Monday 09 to Friday 13 December (10h - 17h) the central aisle of the  Institute will be ready to welcome the Christmas Market complete with Christmas lights and decorations!Delicacies, handicrafts and many other great ideas for gifts will be on display. All profits will go to the Jules Bordet Association and the Wellbeing Fund for patients.  
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Billing for appointments not cancelled and not kept

News (29/11/2024)Billing for appointments not cancelled and not keptYou can cancel at no cost until 24 hours before the time of your scheduled appointment. Appointments that are not cancelled in time constitute a very important burden for the Jules Bordet Institute. Financially first of all but also in terms of time that is wasted and opportunities that are lost for you, the patient:  If all the appointments not kept were cancelled in…
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Semaine européenne de lutte contre la dénutrition

Actualité (18/11/2024)Semaine européenne de lutte contre la dénutrition liée à la maladie et/ou à l’âge : On compte sur vous ! La dénutrition associée à la maladie et/ou au vieillissement est fréquente mais trop souvent sous-estimée par les patients, les proches mais aussi par les professionnels de la santé. Or, le dépistage et l’instauration d’une assistance nutritionnelle restent des éléments essentiels dans la prise en charge de ces…
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Movember 2024 : A campaign dedicated to men’s health

Press release (31/10/2024)In November, “Bordet is pulling out all the stops”. In launching this campaign, the H.U.B care teams are seeking to increase awareness and encourage discussion of male cancers. With the fear of losing their masculinity and a sense of shame or embarrassment in talking about it, men rarely dare open up about their physical or mental health. Yet they are also at risk of being affected by cancer at some point…
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