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A revolutionary radiotherapy technology: ​ Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM)

Press release (17/12/2024) 

The Jules Bordet Institute deploys a revolutionary radiotherapy technology: ​ Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM)

Brussels, 12/17/2024 The Jules Bordet Institute is taking a major step forward in becoming one of just 12 centres worldwide to incorporate ​ Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM) in its MR-Linac, a technology at the forefront of radiotherapy.


Unequalled precision in the service of patients
Unique in Belgium, the MR-Linac incorporates high-field MRI (1.5 Tesla) in a ​ radiotherapy device. In use since 2022, thanks to the support of the Jules Bordet Association, this innovation permits real- time visualisation of tumours and neighbouring organs, thereby improving treatment precision and protecting healthy tissue. With the addition of CMM, this machine now detects and adapts to the movement of organs and tumours during the radiotherapy session itself. This represents crucial progress in treating prostate, pancreatic and liver cancers. ​ ​

Even safer treatment
Dr Robbe Van den Begin, ​ MR-Linac medical director, stresses the immediate benefits of CMM:

  • The beam is automatically interrupted if the tumour shows significant movement, when breathing for example.
  • The safety margins are reduced, minimising exposure of healthy tissue.
  • Treatment plans can be adapted in real time if the tumour changes position, as in the case of the prostate gland.

Akos Gulyban, medical physics project leader, adds: “Thanks to the commitment of our team, ​ Elekta, the MR-Linac developer, has introduced for the first time an accelerated procedure for CMM deployment that combines training and clinical treatment in record time.”

A promising future for precision medicine
With more than 200 patients already treated using MRI-guided radiotherapy, the Jules Bordet Institute has confirmed its position as a pioneer in the field of oncology. The incorporation of Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM) technology marks a new stage in optimising treatment that is now available for all patients treated with the MR-Linac. ​

Professor Philippe Martinive, head of the Radiotherapy Department, ​ sees much more than technical progress in this latest development: “It is the first stage of a major medical revolution of which our department is very much a part.”

This technology opens the door to many research projects that aim to widen its application to other types of cancer. It also aims to push back the frontiers of personalised care, with ever more targeted and effective treatment. The objective is clear: to transform cancer treatment into a treatment that is genuinely tailored to the individual patient.” ​

This progress illustrates the commitment of the Jules Bordet Institute, a part of the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B), to providing leading edge treatment, thereby contributing to the global fight against cancer. ​

About the Jules Bordet Institute
An integrated multidisciplinary centre, the only one of its kind in Belgium, the Jules Bordet Institute is an autonomous hospital dedicated exclusively to cancerous diseases. ​ ​ ​ ​

During the past 80 years the Jules Bordet Institute has been offering its patients diagnostic and treatment strategies at the leading edge of progress to prevent, detect and actively fight cancer. The Institute pursues three missions: care, research and teaching. The Institute's international reputation attracts leading experts in the field of cancer. Its spirit of innovation has enabled it to participate in the development and discovery of new methods of diagnosis and major treatment innovations, with the aim of translating the results into improved patient care as rapidly as possible. ​ ​ ​

In May 2028, the Jules Border Institute was officially awarded, for the second time, OECI (Organisation of European Cancer Institutes) accreditation as a "Comprehensive Cancer Center", a quality label reserved for multidisciplinary cancer care institutions that combine research and training. The Jules Bordet Institute is the only Comprehensive Cancer Centre with OECI accreditation in Belgium. ​ ​

On 28 November 2021, the Jules Bordet Institute opened its new building on the ULB university campus in Anderlecht with 80,000 m² fully dedicated to leading edge cancer care, research and training, as well as a patient well-being centre. It offers 250 hospitalisation beds and 43 day hospitalisation beds. ​

The Jules Bordet Institute is also part of the H.U.B., the University Hospital of Brussels, which includes the Erasmus Hospital, the Jules Bordet Institute and the Queen Fabiola Children's Hospital. ​ Thanks to new investments, this internationally renowned university hospital group is able to guarantee high quality care accessible to all combined with excellence in research and training. ​ ​

The Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B) is the academic hospital of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), which unites the Jules Bordet institute, the Erasme Hospital and the Queen Fabiola Children’s University Hospital (HUDERF) since 2021.

As an international reference center, located in the heart of the Brussels Region, the H.U.B offers high quality general, oncological and pediatric care. ​

This excellent care, accessible to all, is enriched and sustained by a dual approach of scientific research and teaching for the caregivers of tomorrow. ​

In 2022, the H.U.B. is composed of more than 6,000 employees who share the following values: Interest of the patient, Respect, Commitment, Solidarity, Diversity and Inclusion, and the principle of Free enquiry.

La recherche contre le cancer à l'Institut Bordet est, depuis plus de 50 ans, indissociable de l'Association Jules Bordet. Premier donateur privé de l'Institut, l'ASBL lui a apporté, en un demi-siècle, plus de 200 millions d'euros qui lui ont permis de financer des centaines de projets de recherche et de réaliser des avancées majeures pour les malades. Fidèle à sa mission, l'Association Jules Bordet a libéré 18 millions d'euros pour le déploiement des activités de recherche dans le nouvel hôpital dont près de 6,5 millions d’euros pour l’acquisition, par l’Institut Bordet, de l’IRM-Linac 1,5 Tesla et de l’IRM de simulation.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’Association Jules Bordet, visitez le site web