Agenda, News, Publications.
6, 13, 20/09/2024 dans le cadre du mois des maladies du sang et en (read more)
Renforcer la résilience des adolescents et jeunes adultes atteints de (read more)
2nd Anniversary Multidisciplinary Symposium (read more)
Mardi 8/10/2024 -17h30: Effets secondaires, suivi à domicile, après- (read more)
Integrative Oncology in a Cancer Center: the MSKCC experience (Gary DENG) (read more)
Mardi 8/10/2024 (17h30 - 19h30) - Thématique : Cancer du sein et hormonothérapie
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We put the spotlight on these diseases to promote increased understanding and support for persons affected
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This women's imaging clinic will now be located in the Centre de Sénologie at the Institut Jules Bordet.
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One number to call all the services of the Erasme Hospital, the Bordet Institute, and the Children's Hospital
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A measure applied from 1 August
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