Whether or not to participate in a clinical trial
The Jules Bordet Institute is developing an innovative digital tool to support patients in their decision-making.
To develop, with the assistance of patients, a digital tool that enables patients to decide in full knowledge of the facts whether or not to take part in a clinical trial. Such is the project pursued by Patrick Miqueu at the Jules Bordet Institute. An ambitious project of crucial importance to patients that aims to ensure they are better informed about Clinical Research and to create greater patient commitment to research projects.

A digital tool created by and for patients
In the course of their care pathway, patients suffering from cancer may be asked by their doctors to take part in clinical trials. Studies of this kind investigate whether a medical strategy, new treatment or high-tech medical device can be safer or more effective than current treatment. Deciding whether or not to participate in a clinical trial is a complex process for the patent due to the difficulty of predicting the risks and/or benefits that will result from participation.
To assist the patient in this decision-making process the project of Patrick Miqueu (Coordinator Research Promotion & Patient Collaborations) aims to create an interactive digital tool that explains the role of research, demystifies various aspects of clinical trials and provides the information and documentation needed for patients to make a well-informed decision.
The project team cooperates closely with a patients' association, involving a number of patients in developing the digital tool so that the solutions introduced are those best adapted to patient needs.
This digital tool has thus been created by and for patients so that they are able to decide in full knowledge of the facts whether or not to participate in a clinical trial, the results of which will serve many other patients.