Role of the Prostate Imaging Quality PI-QUAL Score for Prostate Magnetic Resonance Image Quality in Pathological Upstaging After Radical Prostatectomy: A Multicentre European Study.
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The role of perilesional and multiparametric resonance imaging-targeted biopsies to reduce the risk of upgrading at radical prostatectomy pathology: A retrospective monocentric study.
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Optimizing multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging-targeted biopsy and detection of clinically significant prostate cancer: the role of perilesional sampling.
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Targeted Biopsy and Pretherapeutic Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment: a Systematic Review: Biopsie ciblée par Imagerie par résonance magnétique et évaluation pré-thérapeutique du risque de cancer de la prostate : revue systém
Authors : Diamand R, Mjaess G, Ploussard G, Fiard G, Oderda M, Lefebvre Y, Sirtaine N, Roumeguère T, Peltier A, Albisinni S Year : 2022 Journal : Prog Urol
Interest of routine MR spectroscopic techniques for differential diagnosis between radionecrosis and progression of brain tumor lesions.
Authors : De Lucia F, Lefebvre Y, Lemort M Year : 2022 Journal : Eur J Radiol Open