4th Human Cancer Immunology Course
Thursday October 4 + Friday October 5, 2018 - LAST ANNOUNCEMENT - a course for Oncologists and Scientists
Thursday October 4 + Friday October 5, 2018 - LAST ANNOUNCEMENT - a course for Oncologists and Scientists
17/11/2018 : Urgences et complications sévères chez le patient cancéreux
A pioneering project in Belgium !
Anniversary Symposium at the Jules Bordet Institute
Summary 3 - Edito 4 - « les Amis », 1er donateur privé de l’Institut Bordet Rapport d’activités 2017 (Ariane Cambier) 6 - Les subsides 2018 à l’Institut
Press release of the City of Brussels and ULB (06/09/2018)
5 et 6/10/2018 :Rentrée académique - Avancées en Psycho-Oncologie
25/10/2018: Concert for research against leukemia (Ariane Fund)
for "Contribution to the Improvement of the Health of the Country"
Training for physicians, nurses and psychologists
Friday 23/11/2018 + Saturday 24/11/2018 (Parker Hotel Brussel in Diegem)
Monday 5/11/2018 at 20h15 (Théâtre des Galeries)
28/11/2018 - Cancer du poumon et Prix Nobel - Atelier Marcel Hastir (Rue du Commerce 51 – 1000 Bruxelles)
10 November 2018 : raising awareness of HTLV-1
L’Institut Bordet soutient Movember et rappelle l’importance du dépistage des cancers touchant les hommes
Every afternoon from 01/12 to 07/12/2018 : Christmas market at the Jules Bordet Institute
25/01/2019 and 26/01/2019 (THE HOTEL - Grand Ballroom 1st Floor - Bd de Waterloo 38, 1000 Brussels)
Prof. Martine Piccart receives the 2018 Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award in the Netherlands.
03/02/2019 (auditorium Gengou - Institut Bordet) - Presidency : Hervé Maisonneuve (Lyon) and Michel Vanhaeverbeek (ULB)
Researchers at the Jules Bordet Institute and the Erasmus Hospital identify five subtypes of pancreatic cancer