Cardiac safety of dual anti-HER2 blockade with pertuzumab plus trastuzumab in early HER2-positive breast cancer in the APHINITY trial.
Authors : de Azambuja E, Agostinetto E, Procter M, Eiger D, Pondé N, Guillaume S, Parlier D, Lambertini M, Desmet A, Caballero C, Aguila C, Jerusalem G, Walshe JM, Frank E, Bines J, Loibl S, Piccart-Gebhart M, Ewer MS, Dent S, Plummer C, Suter T Year : 2023 Journal : ESMO Open
The State of the Art of Radiotherapy for Non-melanoma Skin Cancer: A Review of the Literature.
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Intraoperative electron radiotherapy in early invasive ductal breast cancer: 6-year median follow-up results of a prospective monocentric registry.
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Inter-fraction heart displacement during voluntary deep inspiration breath hold radiation therapy without visual feedback measured by daily CBCT.
Authors : Benkhaled S, Gomes da Silveira Cauduro C, Jullian N, Desmet A, Rodriguez D, Jourani Y, Van Gestel D, De Caluwé A Year : 2022 Journal : Front Oncol
Unintended dose to the lower axilla in adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer: Differences between tangential beam and VMAT.
Authors : Ahrouch I, Van Gestel D, Koshariuk O, Kirkove C, Desmet A, Philippson C, Reynaert N, De Caluwe A Year : 2021 Journal : Radiother Oncol