Carte Blanche - International Women's Rights Day
Avoiding gynaecological and obstetrical violence by respecting and listening to each woman
Avoiding gynaecological and obstetrical violence by respecting and listening to each woman
Leading-edge research and ambitious projects in the service of the fight against cancer
Department :
Speciality : Chirurgie digestive
Department :
Medical Imagery
Department :
Medical Imagery
Department :
Medical Imagery
Department :
Medical Imagery
Department :
Medical Imagery
Every year more than 8,000 Belgians, both men and women, are diagnosed with colorectal cancer
This pioneering unit is widening its collaborations and pushing back the boundaries of cell therapy to cure more patients from all backgrounds.
Ce 5 mai, c’est la journée mondiale de l’hygiène des mains.
This women's imaging clinic will now be located in the Centre de Sénologie at the Institut Jules Bordet.
One number to call all the services of the Erasme Hospital, the Bordet Institute, and the Children's Hospital
We put the spotlight on these diseases to promote increased understanding and support for persons affected
See our page of events organized during the month of Pink October!
This consultation provides personalised follow up for all patients seeking the support of professionals following their illness.
Chaque année, le Palais royal met à l’honneur des "héros du quotidien"
L’Institut Bordet, seul centre d’excellence du cancer en Belgique pour la prise en charge des patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein
Presentations on the latest advances in theranostics and discussions on future collaborations