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Join the Department of Nursing at the Institute!

Always seeking new colleagues

The Jules Bordet Institute is a hospital on a human scale where everybody has the opportunity to make a difference while developing his or her skills in a high-tech, welcoming and stimulating working environment. 

An integrated multidisciplinary centre, unique in Belgium and recognised internationally, the Jules Bordet Institute is an autonomous hospital dedicated entirely to cancerous diseases. For more than 75 years the Jules Border Institute has been offering patients leading edge diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in preventing, screening and actively fighting cancer. The Jules Bordet Institute also engages in research activities that every year lead to major discoveries and provides university training at the highest level. 

From the end of November 2021: the Jules Bordet Institute will move to a new building on the ULB campus in Anderlecht. From its current size of 35,000 m² and 160 beds, the Institute will expand to a surface area of 80,000 m² and 250 beds dedicated to its care, research and teaching missions in the field of oncology.

Exclusive images of the new Jules Bordet Institute!

Watch the video and discover the major project for the new Jules Bordet Institute. Magnificent images of the construction work on the   80,000 m² dedicated exclusively to cancer are accompanied by explanations on how the project was conceived to combine excellence of patient care with optimal well-being for patients and care staff.


Ancré au cœur des quartiers de la région bruxelloise, "iris" est le réseau hospitalier le plus important de Belgique, et se veut avant tout proche de vous, proche de chacun d’entre vous. Il y a toujours un hôpital iris près de chez vous.


Le réseau iris compte 5 hôpitaux…
Nos équipes en sont le cœur…
Soignant tout le monde, jour et nuit…