14th Belgian Symposium on the Integration of molecular Biology Advances into Oncology Clinical Practice and Post-Mascc
Friday 27/11/2020 + Saturday 28/11/2020 (virtual)
Friday 27/11/2020 + Saturday 28/11/2020 (virtual)
29/01/2021 (evening) and 30/01/2021 (morning) - Save the date !
ESTRO 2022 - PhD Cogels Morgane
Cancer de la vessie, la place de la radiothérapie - Dr C. Peters
Diving into margin and volume comparison: Overview, limitations - Mr Akos Gulyban
ESTRO : Brain metastasis review - Dr Delavigne Marie-Elise
EANO update - Dr Collen Christine
ESTRO highlight - Dr Michel Madeleine
Multidisciplinary approach with radiologic emphasis + Practical case-based workshop: Become proficient at diagnosing peritoneal carcinomatosis on CT and MR
Symposium : Prise en charge du cancer de l'ovaire à l'H.U.B en 2023
Challenges dans la Gestion des Complications Liées aux TNEs et Autres Tumeurs Digestives
Rencontres entre experts et patients : 5/2/2024 (18h - 21h)
Focus sur l’activité physique en onco-gériatrie
Auditoire Tagnon - Institut Jules Bordet (18h30)
Uncovering Cancer-Associated Epigenetic Events Using Novel Chemical Tools (Dr. Yael David)
A scientific day in the presence of experts is being organised.
2nd Anniversary Multidisciplinary Symposium
Symposium de l'équipe multidisciplinaire des tumeurs hépato-biliaires de l'H.U.B : Hôtel Van der Valk à Nivelles
6, 13, 20/09/2024 as part of Blood Diseases Month and in partnership with Fonds Ariane
6, 13, 20/09/2024 As part of Blood Disease Month, and in partnership with Fonds Ariane