Peritoneal carcinomatosis workshop

Friday 20th October 2023
Peritoneal carcinomatosis workshop
Institut Jules Bordet, Rue Meylemeersch 90, 1070 Brussels
• Morning session: Multidisciplinary approach with radiologic emphasis
• Afternoon session: Practical case-based workshop: Become proficient at
diagnosing peritoneal carcinomatosis on CT and MR
- 8:30 Registration
- 8:55 Welcome
- 9:00-9:20 The radiologist approach I: what to know and what to look for
- 9:20-9:40The radiologist approach II. Cross-sectional imaging modalities in peritoneal carcinomatosis: indications and limitations.
- 9:40-10:00 The nuclearists approach: hyper and hypo
- 10:00-10:20 Treatment options: resectable or not resectable?
- 10:20-10:35 Peritoneal carcinomatosis under the microscope
- 10:35-10:45 Q&A
- 10:45-11:15 Coffee break
- 11:15-12:00 Multidisciplinary case-based
- discussion
- 12:15-13:15 Lunch break
- 13:15-15:15 Practical workshop part 1
- 15:15-15:45 Coffee break
- 15:45-17:30 Practical workshop part 2
- 17:45 Adjourn
This one day workshop is addressed to all physicians involved in their daily practice in the diagnosis, staging, clinical and surgical management of peritoneal carcinomatosis.
The morning session highlights the multidisciplinary aspects of the management of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis.
The afternoon session consists of a case-based workshop, adressed to radiologists and radiologiststo-be who aim to achieve or to improve their expertise in the diagnosis and staging of PC. Emphasys will be made on learning a systematic and rewarding approach to look for peritoneal deposits.
Participants will be granted access to CT and MR cases of peritoneal carcinomatosis on a DICOM virtual PACS one month prior to the meeting. Onsite, there will be plenty of time for Q&A and challenging cases will be reviewed.
Seats are limited to ensure a cozy learning environment.The meeting will be held in English.
- Dr. A. Arçay Ozturk, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Institut Jules Bordet
- Prof. Dr. M. A Bali, Department of Radiology, Institut Jules Bordet
- Dr. A-L. Deleu, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Institut Jules Bordet
- Dr. M. Gomez Galdon, Department of Pathology, Institut Jules Bordet
- Prof. Dr. G. Liberale, Department of Digestive Surgery, Institut Jules Bordet
- Prof. Dr. V. Vandecaveye, University Hospitals, Leuven
- Dr. A. Veron, Department of Radiology, Institut Jules Bordet
European Accreditation Council for Continuing
Medical Education (EACCME) accreditation has
been applied for.
Registration deadline: 15th September
Trainees 50 € - Specialists 100 €
- PROGRAM : click here