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101 Tables pour la vie

04/06/2019 : Soirée gastronomique d’exception pour un double anniversaire

Bordet News 125 (December 2018)

Edito -- Lutte contre le tabagisme... ce qui va changer en 2019 (Martial Bodo) -- Nouvel appareillage : au coeur de la tumeur (Dr Karen Willard-Gallo)

World no tobacco day

Stop smoking is possible! On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day the Jules Bordet Institute separates the myths from the facts


31/05/2019 - 04/6/2019 : Annual congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) to discuss  progress in cancerology and new treatment discoveries.

Bordet News 127 (July 2019)

Edito -- Du nouveau dans la prise en charge des jeunes patients -- Une nouvelle aventure 'patients et partenaires' -- Plus de 1.000 cas de Mobetron célébrés ....

July: Sarcoma awareness month

On the occasion of sarcoma awareness month, the Jules Bordet Institute is taking a look at the specific characteristics of these rare tumours that affect nearly 600 people a year in Belgium.