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after cancer

and after cancer ... “As well as follow-up care, our patients are offered many types of support, after treatment too.”  Dr Dominique de Valeriola, Head of Day Hospital, Institut Jules Bordet More and more cancer survivors ...


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Breast cancer translational research laboratory JC Heuson

Breast Cancer Translational Research Laboratory J.C. Heuson Description The aim of the Institut Bordet J.-C. Heuson Breast Cancer Translational Research Laboratory (BCTL) is to facilitate the transfer of scientific discoveries about breast cancer that are made in the laboratory into clinical practice. It seeks to improve the molecular characterisation of breast cancer through the use of leadin...


Making an appointment To make, change or cancel an appointment: Tel : +32 (0)2 555 55 55from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. or from 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. You can also fill in the online form. Once your request has been received, reception will contact you again on these contact details.Making an appointmentCancel/change an appointmentThe cancellation or changing of an appointment must be notified ...

Clinical trials

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MyHUB for you!

MyHUB for you!    With your Bordet-H.U.B app, it’s all just a click away Discover MyHUB MyHUB  is the application that gives you control over your relations with the Ju...

Cerebral lymphoma

Cerebral Lymphoma Health problems Cerabral Lymphoma What is it ? ...

Burkitt lymphoma

Burkitt Lymphoma Health problems Burkitt Lymphoma What is it ? ...

Mantle cell lymphoma

Mantle Cell Lymphoma Health problems Mantle cell lymphoma What is it ? ...

Systemic Mastocytosis

Systemic Mastocytosis Health problems Systemic Mastocytosis What is it ? ...

Survivorship - hematology

After Hematological Cancer The H.U.B’s clinic for long-term follow up - Hematology ...

Pink October 2024 recapitulatif

Pink October 2024: a month of awareness in the fight against breast cancer Each year, the Jules Bordet Institute, the only cancer reference center in Belgium, supports around 800 new cases of breast cancer with expert and multidisciplinary support at each stage of the disease: screening, treatments and post-cancer follow-up. Throughout the month of October, our teams are mobilizing to make the fight against breast cancer visible. ...


Teaching at the Institut Jules Bordet    “Interns are integrated into an organised, multidisciplinary system under the constant supervision of their intern supervisor and his team.”  Prof. Anne-Pascale Meert, Head of the Internal Medicine Clinic and Director of the 2nd and 3rd Master’s Internal Medicine at the Institut Jules Bordet    The Institut Jules Bordet, university hospital Our formations ...

bladder cancers

Bladder Cancers - Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles-HUB Notre spécialité est à la fois médicale et chirurgicale. Outre la mise au point diagnostique et les traitements, nous nous occupons aussi des éventuelles complications. La plupart de nos suivis s’inscrivent donc dans le moyen et long terme.      Prof. Thierry Roumeguère, Urologue Comment nous traitons les cancers de la vessie ...


Accessibility and contact How to get to the new Institute? Since the end of November 2021, the Jules Bordet Institute is located on the ULB campus in Anderlecht. All the activities of the Institute take place from now on in Rue Meylemeersch n°90 in 1070 Anderlecht. To get to the new Institute or ...

Medical oncology

Medical Oncology Clinic Our role The Institut Bordet Medical Oncology Clinic has a number of roles: diagnosis and therapeutic care of patients with solid tumours overseeing administration of cancer medication for in-patients and out-patients monitoring patients during and after their treatment. The Clinic takes a multidisciplinary approach. Therapeutic decisions are made in consultation with ...

Lung and thorax cancers

Lung and thorax cancers “The therapeutic strategy depends on the type of cancer, its extent and the patient’s general state of health.”  Dr Thierry Berghmans, Head of the Thoracic Oncology Clinic How we treat cancers of the lungs and thoracic cavity Thanks to extensive internal and external collaboration, the Institut Bordet is able to treat all cancers of the thoracic cavity, including lung cancer.Several types of cancer can develop in the thorax: small and large cell lung (or “bronchial”) cancer, pulmonary metastases originating in other primary tumours and rare tumours such as cancer of the thymus, mesothelioma, pleura, etc. ...