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Cancer Prevention and Screening

Cancer prevention and screening In Europe, 1 man in 3 and 1 woman in 4 will develop cancer before the age of 75. You can reduce and control this risk. So put the odds in your favour!   Dr Jean-Benoît Burrion Head of Prevention & Screening Clinic Primary and secondary ...

Advice and wellness nursing

Advice and wellness nursing A well-being interlude along the care pathway Our role Nurses specialized in advice and wellness nursing  at the Jules Bordet Institute seek to conserve and improve the body image and well-being of patients with cancer or having had cancer. This support is aimed at the well-being of patients. It is provided in cooperation with other Institute actors...

Radical prostatectomy

Radical prostatectomy Let's explore this theme together  Dr Thierry Quackels Urologist In few words A radical prostatectomy is a surgical intervention that involves removing the enti...

Promotion operation support (CTC – CTSU)

Clinical Trials Center (CTC) - Promotion operation support (CTSU) Our role Promotion means operations support to clinical studies sponsorship activities.CTC is a support service, taking into account aspects of commercial and academic clinical research, with the mission of providing professional assistance to clinical research by centralizing and harmonizing the administrative, operational (eg:...

Focal therapy using HiFU

Focal therapy using focal ultrasound (HiFU) Explorons ensemble cette thématique  Dr Ksenija Limani Urologist In few words Focal therapy for prostate cancer is an innovative treatment app...

External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT)

External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) Let's explore this subject together  Drs François-Xavier Otte and Nicolas Jullian, Radiotherapists In few words EBRT, External Beam Radiation ...

Treatment by brachytherapy

Treatment by brachytherapy Let's explore this subject together  Dr Alexandre Peltier Urologist In few words Low dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy is an internal radiotherapy method used ...

Prostate biopsy (Copy) (Copy)

Prostate biopsy Let's explore this theme together  Prof Romain Diamand, Urologist In a few words A prostate biopsy is a medical examination that consists of removing samples of prost...

Theranostic treatment (Copy)

Treatment with radiopharmaceuticals (theranostics) Let's explore this subject together  Prof Carlos Artigas, Nuclear medicine In few words Theranostics is an approach based on vecto...

Focal therapy by microwave - TMA

Focal therapy using targeted microwave ablation (TMA) Let's explore this subject together  Dr Alexandre Peltier Urologist In few words Focal therapy for prostate cancer is an innova...

Medical Physics

Medical Physics Our role Medical physicists are involved with the application of medical physics principles and techniques for prevention, treatment and diagnosis of cancer and the protection of the patients, staff and members of the public from ionizing and non-ionizing radiation hazards (More information).At Institut Jules Bordet, the organizational structure of the Medical Physics Departmen...

Clinical Trials Conduct Unit (CTCU)

Clinical Trials Conduct Unit (CTCU) Our rol The role of the Clinical Trials Conduct Unit (CTCU) is to conduct clinical studies in a professional manner, in compliance with European Directives, regulations and Good Clinical Practice – GCP). These clinical studies are carried out in collaboration with pharmaceutical firms and/or academic partners. The Institut Bordet also implements its own clin...


Coordination nurses in oncological care (ICSO) THE ROLE OF THE ICSO NURSE To ensure efficient and quality care for all patients, the Jules Bordet Institute has put into place a team of ICSO nurses (Coordination nurses in oncological care) charged with overseeing care for the Institute's cancer patients.The Institute's ICSO nurses all hold a nursing degree with a specialisation in onc...

Clinical Cellular Therapy Research Laboratory (LTCC)

Clinical Cellular Therapy Research Laboratory (LTCC) Description The Institut Bordet Clinical Cellular Therapy Research Laboratory (LTCC) is dedicated to fundamental and translational research in the fields of haematology and immunology cellular therapy. The LTCC’s main objectives concern: study of the interaction between leukaemic cells and their microenvironment; establishment of new prognos...

practical informations

Practical informations Your visit to the Institut Jules Bordet Documents to take with you Identity ...


Discover our teams . CARE AND DIAGNOSTIC DEPARTMENTS Anatomical pathologyAnesthesiology - reanimationErgotherapyIntensive careHematologyCell Therapy unitTransplantation unitApheresis unitInternal medicineEmergency cancer care Clinic of Internal medicineInfectious diseasesLogopedyMedical imageryMedical physicsNuclear medicineNursing departmentNutritionOncological Medicine :Day hospitalDigestive oncologyMedical oncologyPsycho-oncologySupportive and palliative caresNovel treatments unitPhysiotherapyPrevention and screening of cancerOncogenetic clinicTabacologyRadiotherapySurgeryRobotic surgery clinicUrolo...

Patient partner at your service

Patient partner at your service Tout au long du parcours de soin, il vous est possible de rencontrer un patient partenaire Le patient partenaire est là pour vous accompagner pendant cet épisode de la maladie et des traitements, en collaboration avec d’autres intervenants (infirmières de coordination, médecins, assistants sociaux, psychologues ou encore infirmières bien-être).Avec son expérienc...

Breast cancer translational research laboratory JC Heuson

Breast Cancer Translational Research Laboratory J.C. Heuson Description The aim of the Institut Bordet J.-C. Heuson Breast Cancer Translational Research Laboratory (BCTL) is to facilitate the transfer of scientific discoveries about breast cancer that are made in the laboratory into clinical practice. It seeks to improve the molecular characterisation of breast cancer through the use of leadin...

well-being workshops

Well-being workshops New : Well-being workshops Workshops offered Creative Journal ...