Discovery and 3D imaging of a novel ?Np63-expressing basal cell type in human pancreatic ducts with implications in disease.
Auteurs : Martens S, Coolens K, Van Bulck M, Arsenijevic T, Casamitjana J, Fernandez Ruiz A, El Kaoutari A, Martinez de Villareal J, Madhloum H, Esni F, Heremans Y, Leuckx G, Heimberg H, Bouwens L, Jacquemin P, De Paep DL, Int Veld P, DHaene N, Bouchart C, Dusetti N, Van Laethem JL, Waelput W, Lefesvre P, Real FX, Rovira M, Rooman I
Jaar : 2021
Journal : Gut