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 Wetenschapelijke artikelen

An unusual nasopharyngeal polyp

Auteurs : Kaçar S, Brihaye P, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N
Jaar : 2021
Journal : Ann Pathol

Osteoid Osteoma: A Unique Presentation in a Child's Lesser Toe.

Auteurs : Bellemans M, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Lê PQ
Jaar : 2021
Journal : Case Rep Orthop
Volume : 2021
Pagina's : 8876584

Prognostic Significance of a Scoring System Combining p16, Smoking, and Drinking Status in a Series of 131 Patients with Oropharyngeal Cancers.

Auteurs : Bouland C, Dequanter D, Lechien JR, Hanssens C, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Digonnet A, Javadian R, Yanni A, Rodriguez A, Loeb I, Journe F, Saussez S
Jaar : 2021
Journal : Int J Otolaryngol
Volume : 2021
Pagina's : 8020826

Adenomatoid tumor of the skin: Differential diagnosis of an umbilical erythematous plaque.

Auteurs : Ferreira I, De Lathouwer O, Fierens H, Theunis A, André J, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N
Jaar : 2021
Journal : J Cutan Pathol
Volume : 48
Pagina's : 128-132

Metaplastic spiradenocarcinoma: Report of two cases with sarcomatous differentiation.

Auteurs : Held L, Ruetten A, Saggini A, Kempter W, Tiedke C, Weber-Kuhn S, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Mentzel T
Jaar : 2021
Journal : J Cutan Pathol
Volume : 48
Pagina's : 384-389

Successful treatment of synchronous chemoresistant pulmonary metastasis from pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma with stereotaxic body radiation therapy: A case report and a review of the literature.

Auteurs : Benkhaled S, Mané M, Jungels C, Shumelinsky F, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Van Gestel D
Jaar : 2021
Journal : Cancer Treat Res Commun
Volume : 26
Pagina's : 100282

Proliferative Fasciitis of the Hand in a Nine-Year-Old Girl: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.

Auteurs : Preziosi M, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Aparisi Gómez MP, Simoni P
Jaar : 2020
Journal : Cureus
Volume : 12
Pagina's : e6763

NIR Infrared imaging after peritumoral injection of indocyanine green to guide lymph node dissection in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A pilot feasibility study.

Auteurs : Digonnet A, Barbieux R, Moreau M, Dekeyser C, Quiriny M, Willemse E, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Cappello M, Donckier V, Bourgeois P
Jaar : 2020
Journal : Oral Oncol
Volume : 104
Pagina's : 104621

Giant Desmoid-Type Fibromatosis of the Neck: A Very Rare Infiltrating Tumor.

Auteurs : Lechien JR, Briganti G, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Dequanter D, Rodriguez A
Jaar : 2019
Journal : Ear Nose Throat J
Volume : 98
Pagina's : 549-550

ALPK1 hotspot mutation as a driver of human spiradenoma and spiradenocarcinoma.

Auteurs : Rashid M, van der Horst M, Mentzel T, Butera F, Ferreira I, Pance A, Rütten A, Luzar B, Marusic Z, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Ko JS, Billings SD, Chen S, Abi Daoud M, Hewinson J, Louzada S, Harms PW, Cerretelli G, Robles-Espinoza CD, Patel RM, van der Weyden L, Bakal C, Hornick JL, Arends MJ, Brenn T, Adams DJ
Jaar : 2019
Journal : Nat Commun
Volume : 10
Pagina's : 2213

Spindle cells in aspiration material from an inguinal adenopathy: possibly a sheep in wolf's clothing!

Auteurs : Verset L, Shumelinsky F, de Wind R, Demetter P, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N
Jaar : 2019
Journal : Histopathology
Volume : 75
Pagina's : 437-439

Thyroid follicular adenomas and carcinomas: molecular profiling provides evidence for a continuous evolution.

Auteurs : Dom G, Frank S, Floor S, Kehagias P, Libert F, Hoang C, Andry G, Spinette A, Craciun L, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Tresallet C, Tissier F, Savagner F, Majjaj S, Gutierrez-Roelens I, Marbaix E, Dumont JE, Maenhaut C
Jaar : 2018
Journal : Oncotarget
Volume : 9
Pagina's : 10343-10359

Sequential injection of radioactive nanosized colloids followed by indocyanine green for sentinel lymph node detection in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A proof of concept.

Auteurs : Digonnet A, Barbieux R, Quiriny M, Willemse E, Moreau M, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Cappello M, Bourgeois P
Jaar : 2018
Journal : Oral Oncol
Volume : 78
Pagina's : 225-227

Long-Term Clinical Outcome and Survivorship Issues of High Grade Bone Sarcomas

Auteurs : Closset C, Ameye L, Gebhart M, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Beauvois S, Awada A, Piccart-Gebhart M, Gil T
Jaar : 2018
Journal : Int J cancer and oncology
Volume : 5(1)
Pagina's : 26-34

Activity and safety of afatinib in a window pre-operative EORTC study in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN).

Auteurs : Machiels JP, Bossi P, Menis J, Lia M, Fortpied C, Liu Y, Lhommel R, Lemort M, Schmitz S, Canevari S, De Cecco L, Guzzo M, Bianchi R, Quattrone P, Crippa F, Duprez T, Lalami Y, Quiriny M, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Clement PM, Coropciuc R, Hauben E, Licitra LF
Jaar : 2018
Journal : Ann Oncol
Volume : 29(4)
Pagina's : 985-991

Distinctive desmoplastic 3D morphology associated with BRAFV600E in papillary thyroid cancers.

Auteurs : Tarabichi M, Antoniou A, Le Pennec S, Gacquer D, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Craciun L, Cielen T, Laios I, Larsimont D, Andry G, Dumont JE, Maenhaut C, Detours V
Jaar : 2018
Journal : J Clin Endocrinol Metab
Volume : 103(3)
Pagina's : 1102-1111

Extra-osseous Ewing sarcoma of the thyroid gland mimicking a hemorrhagic cyst of Hashimoto thyroiditis

Auteurs : El Hachem G, Jungels C, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Awada A, Gil T
Jaar : 2017
Journal : Journal of clinical reviews and case reports
Volume : 1(1)
Pagina's : -

A 38 years old female with inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor and lactic acidosis.

Auteurs : Gorham J, Liberale G, Haydar HN, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Meert AP
Jaar : 2016
Journal : Rev Med Brux
Volume : 37
Pagina's : 104-7

Near infrared fluorescent imaging after intravenous injection of indocyanine green during neck dissection in patients with head and neck cancer: A feasibility study.

Auteurs : Digonnet A, Moreau M, Willemse E, Quiriny M, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Andry G, Bourgeois P
Jaar : 2016
Journal : Head Neck
Volume : 38 sup1
Pagina's : E1833-37

Gorham-Stout disease of the proximal fibula treated with radiotherapy and zoledronic acid.

Auteurs : Yerganyan VV, Body JJ, de Saint-Aubain de Somerhausen N, Gebhart M
Jaar : 2015
Journal : J Bone Oncol
Volume : 4
Pagina's : 42-46