Ariane Fauconnier
Department :
Department :
Department :
Department :
Department :
Nuclear medicine
Speciality : Radiophysics
Department :
Nuclear medicine
, Medical Physics
Speciality : Radiophysics
Department :
Nuclear medicine
Nos travailleurs vous remercient à leur tour !
The Friends of the Bordet Institute” has opened a “COVID-19” donations account - BE78 0018 3100 0086
The public hospitals in Brussels need you once again!
Aidez-nous à donner des super pouvoirs à nos héros. Faites un don !
A national health plan for cancer patients to avoid a wave of collateral victims!
1 milliard de retombées économiques et près de 7.800 emplois générés à Bruxelles en 2016.
The Jules Bordet Institute is developing an innovative digital tool to support patients in their decision-making. To develop, with the assistance of patients, a digital tool that enables patients to decide in full knowledge of the fact
The administration of an anti-inflammatory drug during the ablation of the primary tumour reduces the risk of breast cancer recurrence in overweight or obese patients
We're full of the joys of spring. But be careful what it might bring! Here are a few tips to avoid melanoma now that spring has sprung.