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Meet the Oncology Expert

FRIDAY DECEMBER 06, 2024 (from 8.00AM to 9.00AM)

Meet the Oncology Expert 

Dear All,
The Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, is hosting a series of “Prestige Seminars” in Oncology entitled : “Meet the Oncology Expert”.
The purpose of these seminars is to provide a review of the “State-of-the-Art” and ongoing research in a wide range of cancers diseases to an audience of junior and senior oncologists.

Please find hereunder the program of the next Meet the Oncology Expert seminars.

The seminaries will take place from 8.00AM to 9.00AM on Friday : Institut Jules Bordet (Rue Meylemeersch 90, 1070 Anderlecht) – Auditoire Tagnon (0H Nord - route 2985 – near the Foyer). The event is hybrid and Teams link is provided hereunder.


Roberto SALGADO, MD, PhD - Surgical pathologist, Department of Pathology, GZA/ZNA Antwerp (BE) - Honorary  Research Associate, Division of Research, Peter Mac Callum Cancer Center, Melbourne (AU)

“TILs in Breast Cancer: what societal lessons have we learned?”

Dr. Roberto Salgado is board certified in Anatomical Pathology since 2006 and works as an Anatomic Pathologist in Antwerp, Belgium. Currently, he co-chairs, with Sherene Loi, Peter Mac Callum Cancer Center, Melbourne, Australia and Carsten Denkert, University of Marburg, Germany, an International Consortium of Pathologists, named the "International Immuno-Oncology Biomarkers Working Group" (www.tilsinbreastcancer.org), which develops guidelines for assessing Immuno-Oncological Biomarkers, principally in breast cancer. This Working Group is a pathologist-driven group, with >900 pathologists from 57 countries on board. The Working Group aims to develop guidelines and tools to help pathologists implement TILs in daily and clinical trial practices, including AI-TIL assays in clinical trials. Finally, Dr. Salgado is a member of the WHO Editorial Board for the WHO Classification of Breast Tumours.

Should you not be able to attend in person, a Teams link is provided hereunder : 
(please indicate full name and surname for accreditation)
Rejoignez la réunion maintenant 
ID de réunion : 327 352 817 979 
Code secret : kXZGLy 

Information : Catherine ROTSAERT - Ph: 02/541.31.49 - e-mail: martine.piccart@hubruxelles.be