The Prognostic Value of Distinct Histological Growth Patterns of Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases: A Pilot Study.
Auteurs : El Asmar A, Demetter P, Fares F, Sclafani F, Hendlisz A, Donckier V, Vermeulen P, Liberale G Année : 2023 Journal : Ann Surg Oncol
Tumor biology reflected by histological growth pattern is more important than surgical margin for the prognosis of patients undergoing resection of colorectal liver metastases.
Auteurs : Bohlok A, Inchiostro L, Lucidi V, Vankerckhove S, Hendlisz A, Van Laethem JL, Craciun L, Demetter P, Larsimont D, Dirix L, Vermeulen P, Donckier V Année : 2023 Journal : Eur J Surg Oncol
ASO Visual Abstract: The Prognostic Value of Distinct Histological Growth Patterns of Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases-A Pilot Study.
Auteurs : El Asmar A, Demetter P, Fares F, Sclafani F, Hendlisz A, Donckier V, Vermeulen P, Liberale G Année : 2023 Journal : Ann Surg Oncol
Ectopic Fetal Liver Tissue in the Placenta of a Twin Pregnancy: A Case Report and Review of Literature.
Auteurs : Demetter P, Boulay A, Vanden Houte K, Segers V, Verset L Année : 2022 Journal : Case Rep Pathol
Quality of pathology reporting and adherence to guidelines in rectal neuroendocrine neoplasms: a Belgian national study.
Auteurs : Waked B, De Maeyer F, Carton S, Pieter-Jan C, Vandamme T, Verslype C, Demetter P, Borbath I, Van Eycken L, Hoorens A, Geboes K, Van Damme N, Ribeiro S Année : 2022 Journal : Acta Clin Belg