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Clinical trials

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Willy Grégoir Prostate Cancer Centre

Willy Grégoir Prostate Cancer Centre We combine expertise and innovation to provide personalised care centred on each patient. Prof Romain Diamand, Head of the Willy Grégoir Prostate Cancer Centre Mission ...

Prostate cancers

Prostate cancers Generalities The prostate is a gland that is a part of the male genital system, located beneath the bladder and surrounding the urethra. In young men it is the size of a walnut but it can increase in volume with age. The prostate produces prostatic fluid that is a constituent of sperm and helps nourish and protect the spermatozoids. Prostate cancer develops in the prostate ce...

irm of the prostate

Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the prostate Let's explore this subject together  Drs Yolène Lefebvre and Maxime Deforche Radiologists In few words Multiparametr...

Positron Emission Tomography with PSMA

Positron Emission Tomography with PSMA as biomarker (PSMA PET) Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) Let's explore this subject together  Prof Carlos Artigas, Nuclear doctor In few words ...

Prostate biopsy

Prostate biopsy Let's explore this theme together  Prof Romain Diamand, Urologist In a few words A prostate biopsy is a medical examination that consists of removing samples of prost...

Active surveillance

Active surveillance Let's explore this subject together  Prof Thierry Roumeguère, Urologist In few words Active surveillance is a strategy for localised prostate cancer care that co...

Theranostic treatment

Treatment with radiopharmaceuticals (theranostics) Let's explore this subject together  Prof Carlos Artigas, Nuclear medicine In few words Theranostics is an approach based on vecto...


Urology department Presentation Urology is probably one of the medico-surgical specialities that has developed most in recent years. Its wide range of activities, covering fields such as urinary stones, cancerology, andrology, urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders, has benefitted from phenomenal progress. Urologists have transformed their practice, most notably thanks to the introduc...

Nutrition Day

07/11/2019 : Nutrition Day : Facing cancer: eat and move !

Bordet News 128 (October 2019)

Edito -- Cancer du sein : Quoi de neuf ? -- Dépistage du cancer du sein, actualité et perspectives -- La recherche au service d’une meilleure compréhension de la maladie -- Une intervention psychologique de groupe novatrice pour les patientes en rémission

Professor D. Bron awarded the Jean Teghem Prize

This prize is awarded every three years by the CEPULB in recognition of "a person who has distinguished themselves for their remarkable work in the general interest in the field of scientific popularization or continuing education»

Best wishes 2020 !

The Jules Bordet Institute sends you its best wishes for 2020! Together, let us continue to meet the challenges and to progress in the fight against cancer. 

Bordet News 129 (December 2019)

Edito -- 'Les Amis', 50 ans au service de la recherche -- Jules Bordet, centenaire d’un Prix Nobel -- Les promesses de l’intelligence artificielle -- De l’usage du cannabis en médecine -- Pour une meilleure qualité de vie des patients et de leurs proches